PROVERBS 26:6 Train up a child in the way s/he should go and when s/he is old s/he will not depart from it. In 1954, Principal, Dr. Constance Wagar, formalized the Vision for St. Augustine Girls High School, a vision that continues to be relevant today as we plan for a school of the 21st Century.
We are building not only the Ideal School of which we all dream but strong Christian characters which will withstand whatever temptations and tests the future may bring. The school stands for scholarship, aspiration, goodness, happiness, service and success.
"Per Ardua Ad Astra" - Excellence through Hard Work (translation by Veoma Ali 1998.)
The St. Augustine Girls High School family with its rich history of tradition and innovation will achieve this vision by: Promoting a culture based on Christian values which fosters the truth that the only certain path to meaningful success is sustained hard work and teaches concern and respect for all and the acceptance of responsibility for our actions. Ensuring a safe student-centred climate, which nurtures articulate, confident empowered individuals who as critical-thinkers and life-long learners will make a positive impact on society. Providing a modern physical and technological environment where the emphasis is on a performance-focused quality-based instructional programme delivered using innovative and up-to-date strategies and methods. Adopting a policy of school-based management acknowledging the valuable contributions of all stakeholders and working in partnership with the community.
SAGHS is a Presbyterian school and we abide by the tenets of the Christian Faith. We provide an environment where all students are loved; respected and have equal access and opportunity. We provide a well-rounded quality education, which is challenging to all students. We strive for excellence in everything we do. We value the natural environment and teach the interdependence of all living things. We are all members of the SAGHS family and must actively work to maintain the good name of SAGHS.
Presbyterian Church of Trindad & Tobago

The Presbyterian Church in Trinidad and Tobago has 40,000 members, 105 congregations and 100 house fellowships. The church maintains 72 Presbyterian primary schools and five Presbyterian secondary schools. Many notable persons in the society spanning law, medicine, academia and politics have come out of a Presbyterian School Education.
Read more at the Office website of the Presbyterian Church of Trinidad & Tobago